🎁Ad System (Rewards)

Luarmor has a reward system that allows you to make money off of your script without directly charging the users. This is done via link shortener services like Linkvertise, Lootlabs, Work.Ink etc.

Reward system requires users to go through certain "checkpoints" to earn the "reward" which could be a key to your script, or extra time on their already existing keys that were obtained via the ad system.

For Visitors

When you click on an "ads.luarmor.net/get_key" link, Luarmor creates a session for your browser with your progress data, keys, remaining time on them and other data linked to this session on the server.

We recommend not using a VPN while on this session, because multiple people might have the same VPN IP at a time, and it might result in integrity check fails during the verification process.

This session is also bound to your IP address, which means if you visit the same ads.luarmor.net link on a phone on your network, it will most likely show you where you were left at. This is to ensure that people don't easily bypass developer-specified cooldown and generate excessive number of keys.

This "session" will ONLY get deleted in 3 situations: - 7-10 days of inactivity on this session (e.g if no checkpoint gets completed in 7-10 days) - Link owner edits the target project or wipes sessions on his dashboard - You click on the "Forget Browser" button on bottom-left side of the screen. Keep in mind that the "Forget Browser" option is available only if link owner enabled it.

This is what an incomplete session looks like:

Once you complete a checkpoint, you will get redirected to this screen:

If you accidentally close all tabs, it is not a problem. You can just open the same URL again and your progress will be there.

You have around 70 minutes to complete a checkpoint. If you don't complete it in time, your progress will reset to 0/2 and you will have to re-complete from the first checkpoint again. Once you've completed a checkpoint, you will have another 70 minutes to complete the next checkpoint. No need to rush, you have time.

This is what a completed session looks like:

You may also see the cooldown button after completing all checkpoints

Cooldown option makes sure that link providers (e.g linkvertise, lootlabs) will calculate the impressions as more "authentic" (and more $) rather than spammy and most likely not monetized.

For Script Owners

Reward manager dashboard looks like this. You can see your limits on top left and right corners of the screen.

Creating Checkpoints

Each provider has its own setup tutorial, so please proceed to the one you want to learn about. The setup guides below are only valid if you are using "Anti Bypass / Dynamic URL" options. Otherwise, it is pointless to make a checkpoint anyways.


Linkvertise is one of the high CPM providers out there, and most users are already familiar with it. If you don't have an account, you must sign up here.

Step 1)

Create a link on linkvertise dashboard. "Target URL" can be anything. You will change this after creating the checkpoint.

Then fill in the required fields with anything you want until it matches the minimum length requirement. Once you've created the link, you will be given a short linkvertise URL like this:

You can also find the links on your linkvertise dashboard. Copy this "https://link-target.net/xxxxx" URL and paste it in Luarmor checkpoint creation field.

Don't create the checkpoint yet. There's another step to complete.

Step 2)

Go to the "settings" tab on linkvertise, here. Enable "Anti Bypassing" and it will generate an API token for you.

Copy this API key and click "Save Settings". Then paste this token into Luarmor checkpoint field:

Click the green check icon and create the checkpoint. It will reload the page.

Step 3)

Once the checkpoint has been created, you can now get the callback URL and paste it in Linkvertise link target. Click on "Edit" button next to the checkpoint name:

Then copy this URL at the bottom of the screen.

Edit the linkvertise URL you created earlier, and paste this link as the target URL.

Then proceed with the next steps & Save the changes. Once everything is done, your checkpoint is ready to go. You can give this URL to your users and start getting clicks right away:


Lootlabs is another provider like Linkvertise, but lootlabs pays slightly more. Also they have a lot of cashout options including cryptocurrencies.

Step 1)

Create a link on lootlabs dashboard:

You can put anything as the destination URL. Luarmor will adjust the target parameter accordingly. (assuming you will be using the Anti-Bypass option!)

Once you have created the link, copy the URL

And paste it in the URL field on checkpoint creation screen on Luarmor dashboard.,

Step 2)

Go to profile page on LootLabs, there will be an "API Key" field at the bottom.

Copy this token and paste it into Luarmor checkpoint "API Key" field.

Create the checkpoint and done!

You don't need to edit the target URL on Lootlabs dashboard. Luarmor automatically adjusts the redirection accordingly. No action needed on your end after this.


Step 1)

Create an API key on Work.Ink dashboard -> Developer Tools -> Generate API key

Paste this key into Luarmor checkpoint creation page "API Token" field at right-bottom corner. Make sure you enable "Dynamic URLs" option first.

Leave the Short URL field empty. Create the checkpoint and everything will be handled automatically.

ShrtFly / ShrinkEarn

Work.Ink, ShrtFly and ShrinkEarn work the same way. You can just repeat the Work.Ink steps above to add these two providers.

Get ShrtFly API Token from: https://www.shrtfly.com/publisher/developer-api.

Get ShrinkEarn API token from https://shrinkearn.com/member/tools/api.

More providers might be added in the future. If you want to suggest any, create a ticket in our discord server.

Last updated